Welcome to the Recipe Game!

Thank you for visiting the home of the Recipe Game!

A young woman named Kelsey Devois created The Recipe Game when she was just 12 years old! The very first version of the game was all hand-drawn using pencil crayons on cardboard. The second version: print-at-home business and index cards, using photos of actual ingredients.

The final version, now available to you, was completed only a few years ago. Kelsey worked hard to find some fun new recipes to use. A graphics designer was sourced and hired to bring her game to life! Lucas Busatto, who had done previous artwork for children’s books (find his work here), created the vibrant graphics you see here. She then found a manufacturer to actually print all of the game cards and boxes. Finally, they were shipped out to sell around the world!

Kelsey is passionate about her childhood creation, and hopes that you and your family will love the game just as much as she does!


Read here about the amazing legal story: Abbotsford News Article